

Data Binding with Select

Sam Xiao's Avatar 2021-11-24

We can implement data binding with <select> by v-for and $ref.


Vue 3.2



The most common use case is <select> with a placeholder to prompt to the user.

<script setup>
let selected = $ref ('')

let apples = $ref ([
  { value: 0, label: 'Macbook' },
  { value: 1, label: 'iPhone' },
  { value: 2, label: 'iPad' }

  <select v-model='selected' id='products'>
    <option disabled value=''>Please select one</option>
    <option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>
  {{ selected }}

Line 14

<option disabled value=''>Please select one</option>
  • Use <option> to implement placeholder
  • Add the disabled attribute to make it unselectable
  • value attribute is Empty String to distinguish from the normal value

Line 15

<option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>

Use v-for to show value and label in <option>.

Line 2

let selected = $ref ('')

Declare selected reactive variable with Empty String as default value to make <select> showing placeholder at the beginning.

Line 4

let apples = $ref ([
  { value: 0, label: 'Macbook' },
  { value: 1, label: 'iPhone' },
  { value: 2, label: 'iPad' }

Declare apples reactive variable with Array Object as default value.

Default Value


Another common use case is data binding with default value on <select>.

<script setup>
let selected = $ref (0)

let apples = $ref ([
  { value: 0, label: 'Macbook' },
  { value: 1, label: 'iPhone' },
  { value: 2, label: 'iPad' }

  <select v-model='selected' id='products'>
    <option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>
  {{ selected }}

Line 12

<select v-model='selected' id='products'>
  <option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>
{{ selected }}

Due to not using placeholder, we don’t need disabled on <option>



If we want to control the <select> manually, we have to deal with the change event.

<script setup>
let selected = $ref (0)

let apples = $ref ([
  { value: 0, label: 'Macbook' },
  { value: 1, label: 'iPhone' },
  { value: 2, label: 'iPad' }

let onChange = e => console.log (e.target.value)

  <label for='products'>Product:</label>
  <select v-model='selected' id='products' @change='onChange'>
    <option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>
  {{ selected }}

Line 15

<select v-model='selected' id='products' @change='onChange'>
  <option v-for='x in apples' :value='x.value'>{{ x.label }}</option>

Add @change to <select> to deal with change event.

Line 10

let onChange = e => console.log (e.target.value)

In addition to getting selected value from the selected reactive variable, we can also obtain data from e.target.value.


  • In this post, we conclude the most common use case for data binding with <select>


Vue, Select