

タグ : Alpine

Alpine 之美

很多人覺得 Alpine 將 JavaScript 寫在 HTML,會如同 React 的 JSX 一樣將來然以維護,事實上並非如此,Alpine 將 JavaScript 與 HTML 寫在一起反而是一種美感。

整合 Hugo 與 Alpine

Alpine 特別適合後端有自己 Template Engine 的使用場景,Hugo 雖然為 SSG,但因為使用了 Go Template,事實上與後端類似,因此也適合 Alpine。

Using x-effect to Simulate x-html

x-effect is a useful directive for re-evaluating an expression when one of its dependencies change. You can think of it as a watcher where you don’t have to specify what property to watch, it will watch all properties used within it.

Alpine Overview

Alpine is a lightweight framework for pure HTML pages. It is very small, and only 6kb is required. We can implement Alpine by TailwindCSS, Vue or Svelte style.