

Material Design 之 Color System

Sam Xiao's Avatar 2024-09-18

Material Design 有預定一組 顏色變數,只要提供後就可根據系統設定自動切換 Light Mode 與 Dark Mode。


Material Design 3




  • Surface:A role used for backgrounds and large, low-emphasis areas of the screen
  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary:Accent color roles used to emphasize or de-emphasize foreground elements
  • Container:Roles used as a fill color for foreground elements like buttons. They should not be used for text or icons
  • On:Roles starting with this term indicate a color for text or icons on top of its paired parent color. For example, on Primary is used for text and icons against the primary fill color
  • Variant:Roles ending with this term offer a lower emphasis alternative to its non-variant pair. For example, outline variant is a less emphasized version of the outline color


Use primary roles for the most prominent components across the UI, such as the FAB (FloatingActionButton), high-emphasis buttons, and active states

* primaryrequired High-emphasis fills, texts, and icons against surface
* onPrimaryrequired Text and icons against primary
* primaryContainer:Standout fill color against surface, for key components like FAB
* onPrimaryContainer: Text and icons against primary container
* primaryFixed
* primaryFixedDim
* onPrimaryFixed
* onPrimaryFixedVariant



  1. onPrimary
  2. primary


  1. onPrimaryContainer
  2. primaryContainer


Use secondary roles for less prominent components in the UI such as filter chips.

* secondaryrequired Less prominent fills, text, and icons against surface
* onSecondaryrequired Text and icons against secondary
* secondaryContainerLess prominent fill color against surface, for recessive components like tonal buttons
* onSecondaryContainer:Text and icons against secondary container
* secondaryFixed
* secondaryFixedDim
* onSecondaryFixed
* onSecondaryFixedVariant



  1. primary
  2. onPrimary
  3. secondary
  4. onSecondary


  1. Icon:onSecondContainer
  2. Button:secondaryContainer


Use tertiary roles for contrasting accents that balance primary and secondary colors or bring heightened attention to an element such as an input field

* tertiaryrequired Complementary fills, text, and icons against surface
* onTertiary:Text and icons against tertiary
* tertiaryContainer:Complementary container color against surface, for components like input fields
* onTertiaryContainer:Text and icons against tertiary container
* tertiaryFixed
* tertiaryFixedDim
* onTertiaryFixed
* onTertiaryFixedVariant



  1. onTertiaryContainer
  2. tertiaryContainer


Use error roles to communicate error states, such as an incorrect password entered into a text field.

  • errorrequired
  • onErrorrequired
  • errorContainer:A color used for error elements needing less emphasis than error
  • onErrorContainer



Use surface roles for more neutral backgrounds, and container colors for components like cards, sheets, and dialogs.

  • surfacerequired Default color for backgrounds
  • onSurfacerequired Text and icons against any surface color
  • surfaceDim
  • surfaceBright:A color that’s always the lightest in the dark or light theme
  • surfaceContainerLowest:A surface container color with the lightest tone and the least emphasis relative to the surface
  • surfaceContainerLow:A surface container color with a lighter tone that creates less emphasis than surfaceContainer but more emphasis than surfaceContainerLowest
  • surfaceContainer:A recommended color role for a distinct area within the surface
  • surfaceContainerHigh:A surface container color with a darker tone. It is used to create more emphasis than surfaceContainer but less emphasis than surfaceContainerHighest
  • surfaceContainerHighest:A surface container color with the darkest tone. It is used to create the most emphasis against the surface
  • onSurfaceVariant:Lower-emphasis color for text and icons against any surface color
  • surfaceTint



  1. surface:background color
  2. surfaceContainer:navigation area


  1. surfaceContainerLow
  2. surfaceContainer
  3. surfaceContainerHigh
  4. surfaceContainerHighest


There are two outline colors to be used against surface:

  • outline:Important boundaries, such as a text field outline
  • outlineVariant: Decorative elements, such as dividers
  • shadow
  • scrim
  • inverseSurface
  • onInverseSurface
  • inversePrimary



  1. outline
  2. outlineVariant

Add-on Colors

Most products won't need to use these add-on color roles. However, some products require the greater flexibility and control that add-on roles provide. If you aren’t sure whether your product should use the add-on roles, it probably shouldn’t and you can ignore them.

  • -Fixed roles are appropriate to use in places where Container roles are normally used, but they stay the same color between light and dark themes
  • -Dim roles provide a stronger, more emphasized color with the same fixed behavior
  • -FixedVariant:also have the same color between light and dark themes, but compared with on -Fixed roles, they provide a lower-emphasis option for text and icons



  1. primaryFixed

Light mode 與 dark mode 完全不變


  1. primaryContainer

Light mode 與 dark mode 不太一樣


  1. primaryFixed
  2. primaryFixedDim


Philipp LacknerIntroduction to Matirial 3 (Color Theming、Typography、Shapes)
Material Design, Color System
Material Design, Color Roles
Material Theme Builder