If we want to use Express POST to add data to MSSQL, we can use Knex and Tedious to connect.
Express 4.17.1
Tedious 14.0.0
MSSQL 2017
import express from 'express'
import cors from 'cors'
import Knex from 'knex'
let app = express ()
app.use (cors ())
app.use (express.json ())
let knex = Knex ({
client: 'mssql',
connection: {
host: 'mssql-2017',
port: 1433,
user: 'sa',
password: '111111',
database: 'DBLab'
app.post ('/api/articles', async (req, res) => {
let { title, content } = req.body
let result = await knex ('articles')
.insert ({ title, content }, ['*'])
res.send (result [0])
app.listen (8080, _ => console.log ('Node listen on port: 8080'))
Line 9
let knex = Knex ({
client: 'mssql',
connection: {
host: 'mssql-2017',
port: 1433,
user: 'sa',
password: '111111',
database: 'DBLab'
Use Knex to connect to database :
client: 'mssql'
: connect to MSSQLhost
:setup serverport
:setup portuser
:setup idpassword
:setup passworddatabase
:setup database
Line 20
app.post ('/api/articles', async (req, res) => {
let { title, content } = req.body
let result = await knex ('articles')
.insert ({ title, content }, ['*'])
res.send (result [0])
- Use Object Destructure to destruct POST data from
- Use Knex to generate SQL INSERT and return result :
: table to insertinsert
: Object to insert, key is field and value is data['*']
: return whole Object after inserted, this is optional
- Use Array Destructure to destruct first row of Array, this is the Object we just inserted, then use
to send back
<script setup>
import axios from 'axios'
let url = 'http://localhost:8080/api/articles'
let body = {
title: 'Title 1',
content: 'Content 1'
let { data } = await axios.post (url, body)
console.log (data)
- Use
to execute POST, it will return Promise. We have to use top level await to deal with Promise - Axios will put result in
property, we will use Object Destructure to destructdata
to get back Object
- Just install Knex and Tedious library to connect MSSQL in Express
- Although we can use Knex to generate SQL query, but DQL is more complex so I usually use
to execute raw SQL query, and let Knex to generate DML for us - Knex will return Promise, so we have to use
async await
to deal with Promise - We can use
in Axios to add data by POST